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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Propeller Shaft

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RSB is a vertically integrated Propeller Shaft Solution provider, enjoying the largest market share in India. To enhance its in-house technical capabilities and overall productivity, RSB has developed a technical collaboration with Eugen Klein GmbH,Germany for acquiring technical know-how in designing, processing and testing.

The Propeller Shaft Manufacturing program covers more than 65 unique part designations. RSB is focused on catering to the present & futuristic commercial vehicle power transmission requirements and meeting the stringent quality norms. The six manufacturing plants set up at 4 locations are functioning to assist Auto OEM’s for Propeller Shaft solutions targeted towards regular production as well as after market requirements.



A range of new generation Propeller Shafts, offerings un-beatable Value & Reliability through:

In-House component manufacturing with SPM's for all critical machining
In-House Phosphate facilities and sophisticated Paint Shop
Latest generation 3 Plane Balancing machine with digital PLC
Fully automated line for manufacturing Cross & Bearing Cup with on-line SPC
In-house metallurgical lab to ensure validated raw material inputs
In-house testing & validation facility for the assemblies



RSB has designed and developed new Propeller shafts that are lighter, more cost effective, achieving improved performance levels of torque transfer. RSB provides validated newer designs extended to cover several models of Commercial Vehicles, Trucks, and Buses by conducting extensive field trials under varied terrains and load conditions. RSB ensures competitive edge by providing re-designed Roller Bearings, fully enclosed seals, Serration joints, RILSAN® surface coating treatment. The other features include

Heavy Duty Center Bearing Assembly
Cross Assembly Multi-Lip Sealing
Increased Deflection Angle between forks
Spline Profile
Metallic Dust Jacket with Neoprene Seal etc

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Alloy Casting, Alloy Castings, Aluminium Castings, Axles, Construction Equiment Aggregates, Ferrous Castings, Forging, Forgings, Non Ferrous Castings, Propeller Shaft, Running Gear System, Transmission Components